You know the saying...we've all heard "I'm saving the best for last," but when it comes to quality time with God, isn't our first the best? In the Bible, on multiple accounts, we are called to bring God our "firstruits." When we tithe, we are to tithe from our Gross income, not the Net....firstruits. The same goes for our time spent in His presence. If we think we are saving our best for last and waiting until bed time to come into the presence of the Lord, we are doing a great disservice to ourselves and to the Lord. What happens when we wait until the end of our day to spend time with God? By that time we are beat up from the stressful events that took place during our day and we are exhausted. Our minds are so filled with the memories of the day and trying to get our thoughts in order that we are scatterbrained and cluttered making it nearly impossible to truly focus on Who exactly it is we are speaking to. I have found that if I wait too long I become very drowsy and will fall asleep mid prayer. If I don't fall asleep first, my mind will wander and suddenly I am thinking about things that are so far off topic that I forget that I was even talking to God. On the good days when I've had an essentially stressfree day and I feel energized by the time I get around to my devotional time, I find that if I had only started my day off with that scripture passage, what a difference it would have made in my my my encounters with those in need.
It takes 21 days to create a habit....I challenge you.....for 21 days, instead of hitting the snooze button repeatedly, get up the first time your alarm rings and give God your firstfruits. Go make some coffee or tea and take it with you to a quiet place that you can be undisturbed. Spend 20-30 minutes reading the Bible and listening to what He has to say to you. Write it down and share it with at least one person during the day. 21 days...can you do it? I believe that you can!
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