Crossroad Youth is going through some amazing and exciting changes! The Holy Spirit is moving and it's so wonderful to be able to experience it first hand!
The leaders met a few months back and we talked about why we exist. I mean, what is our purpose and what do we want out of our group? What do we expect from our youth? Can we hold them accountable? Are they ready to grow? Do they want to grow? I believe that God has led us right to where He wants us! We decided that we needed to change our group name from 'Impact Student Ministries' to 'N24' which stands to iN 2 Christ, 4 His glory! Now we are coming up with a new logo so that we can get tshirts made and get this group out into the community and serve serve serve!
We now have Sunday School which is just known as N24, then on Wednesdays we have N24-"D" which stands for discipleship, and on Sunday nights, we now have N24-Live! which takes place of the 'Collide' that we used to have on the 3rd Wednesday of every month! speaking of which.....I better get going! Gotta prep some food for tonight! 2 hours til we go LIVE!